How are you dealing with the COVID-19 related lockdowns?

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How are you dealing with the COVID-19 related lockdowns?

Post by DU2XXR » Thu Mar 26, 2020 4:25 am

Hi everyone!

Just thought to post here, so we can talk about how we are dealing with COVID-19.

How is everyone doing? In my city, we are on enhanced community quarantine--on the second week now. The entire Luzon island in the Philippines is on such lockdown. We are required to stay at home, although one person from each household can go out to buy food, medicines, and essentials.

My city has 9 confirmed cases, so far, with 3 deceased. Our governor is confirmed positive, and the mayor (the governor's daughter in law actually) is also a person under monitoring.

If this escalates, our community might go into higher level of quarantine, which means we can't go out even to buy food. In recent days I've been stocking up on non-persihables and water for any such emergency.

I'm also concerned, since my sister is a front-liner, being a resident at one of the local hospitals in my city. My parents are also senior citizens, so they are at risk. My 5 kids are healthy, but they've been restless due to the sudden cancellation of school activities. I've been working remote for 15 years now, so nothing really new in terms of routine, except the dire feeling that the world has suddenly changed.

Been monitoring my station on 2 meter, 70cm and digital. On DMR, I'm mostly on TG51518, although we've been using TG515 for nationwide discussion of such issues. I saw that BM has set 98009 as the World Events - Coronavirus TG.

Here's hoping everyone is OK.

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Re: How are you dealing with the COVID-19 related lockdowns?

Post by VK3KYY » Thu Mar 26, 2020 6:23 am

In Australia we are not in full lockdown, but some very non-essential businesses have been told to close.
There have been 12 deaths.

The messages from the government are very confusing and a lot of people are simply ignoring them. We went to a walk last night, and there were lots of people playing tennis under floodlights and obviously handling the same tennis ball.
The were not young people, and were probably in a high risk group, but still they ignore the warning.

I'm hoping that they will announce a total lockdown soon, so that people will take things seriously, but at the moment thats not happening.

On the personal front, I had to scramble to get my car repaired as the radiator got a leak last Friday.
The garage looked at the car on Monday and rang me to say that they could not source a new radiator from the normal supplier as it would normally be flown in from Japan in 1 or 2 days.
But as Japan is also going into lockdown they managed to find an alternative radiator which fitted my car, and I agreed that they should install the radiator on Wednesday.

We are now avoiding going out. I think we will need to get some groceries early next week, but we now buy enough to last 2 weeks if possible, so that we do not need to go out so often.

If we have to completely lockdown, we will need to eat what is in the freezer and use powered milk, and not have any fresh vegetables.

BTW. Prices of vegetables have more than doubled in the last 3 weeks, so I have planted some seeds in the garden, but it will be many weeks before they are ready to eat.

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Re: How are you dealing with the COVID-19 related lockdowns?

Post by EB3AM » Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:25 am

Hi, in Catalonia we have been confined for almost 2 weeks.
Local government has called for the entire people to be confined except for essential services, but the state government refuses. A grave mistake that will make us have more victims than China.
There are still people going to work today, and with daily victim data we should all be home.

Nearly 50,000 affected, more than 3,500 dead, but the companies have no state guarantees that will allow them to quit for a few weeks. A disaster "made in Spain" ... :cry:

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Re: How are you dealing with the COVID-19 related lockdowns?

Post by EB3AM » Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:02 am

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