callsign database

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callsign database

Post by W4CPU » Fri Nov 25, 2022 5:37 am

Question Region? where can I find a list of these regions? I keep downloading but does not seem to be correct for Washington or can it be? What am I not getting here?

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Re: callsign database

Post by VK3KYY » Fri Nov 25, 2022 6:25 am

I don't know if there is an list of regions

Here in Australia all DMR ID's being with 505 e.g. mine is 5053238 and our main calling TG is also 505

Originally there were state by state codes allocated for Australian hams, e.g. my ID of 505 3 238 with the 3 after the 505 indicated the state of Victoria. However, this only allowed for 999 hams per state, and I think they ran out, and started issuing them starting at 5050000 and working up from there, skipping over exising ID's that had already been allocated.

I just downloaded the master CSV file for all DMR ID's and tried filtering by United States, but it doesn't look like they are allocating numbers based on the state.

And there seem to be multiple 3 digit starting codes for the USA

I think this question is probably best answered by a Ham in the USA.


As you have a MD9600, you don't need to filter by region, as the radio can fit the entire database for the whole world, albeit will take quite a long time to transfer to the radio.


If you are connecting to Brandmeister, you'll get the callsign without loading the database, as BM sends the callsign as part of the Talker Alias data, i.e in call data. But only the callsign, no name or city or state etc

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Re: callsign database

Post by F1RMB » Fri Nov 25, 2022 7:16 am


DMR ID's region (prefix) is based on MCC:


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