Transmitting Issue with MD-380 through MD-9600 Hotspot Using BlueDV

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Transmitting Issue with MD-380 through MD-9600 Hotspot Using BlueDV

Post by UB3DYP » Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:25 pm

Hello, I've encountered an issue while using the TYT MD-380 in combination with the MD-9600 as a hotspot and BlueDV software to access the DMR BrandMeister network. Pressing PTT on the MD-380 triggers all notifications on the hotspot and establishes a network connection, but the TX status indicator on the hotspot does not activate and shows no activity. Furthermore, when attempting to do an echo test on TalkGroup 9990 by double-pressing the hash (#) key and entering 9990, I also observe a problem with TX activation. However, when using the MD-380 and MD-9600 in repeater mode, everything functions correctly.

For the reference:
- The radios are set to operate in Simplex with the same TX/RX frequencies.
- The MD-9600 repeater is verified on the BrandMeister website and appears as an active device.
- My transmission attempts are recorded in the BrandMeister logs.
- The latest versions of software and firmware are installed on all devices, including BlueDV and radios.
I am seeking assistance in resolving this issue; perhaps someone has encountered something similar or can suggest additional diagnostic measures and solutions.

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
Снимок экрана 2024-02-11 в 19.34.15.png
Снимок экрана 2024-02-11 в 19.34.15.png (21.24 KiB) Viewed 10191 times
Снимок экрана 2024-02-11 в 19.30.58.png
Снимок экрана 2024-02-11 в 19.30.58.png (172.74 KiB) Viewed 10191 times

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