CPS default codeplug

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CPS default codeplug

Post by VK3KYY » Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:16 am


I've been discussing the CPS simplification with Ian DJ0HF, who has been managing the package of files for the visually impaired operators and we don't see the need to have so many example channels in the default codeplug supplied with the CPS.

The codeplug format requires at least 1 Channel, 1 Zone ,1 Contact and 1 TG list , but but thats all.

It always has both VFO's and I've noticed currently they are not named, (their names are blank if you click onto the screen that shows the VFO details)
I will change these so that their default names are VFO A and VFO B.

I'm not sure if it helps having one Analog and one digital channel, but I could do that.
I don't see any point in creating channels for VHF and UHF, as the radio handles the band selection in the firmware and the CPS just specifies a frequency.

I could also possibly add 3 TG lists, one for BM , one for MARC and one for TGIF, but these would only be able to control world wide TG's as the codeplug is not region specific.

I can't see a reason to have more than one Zone at the moment

PS. I've realised that the VFO screen still has a load of features that the firmware does not support (and probably never will support), so I'm in the process of cleaning it to remove the unused items and make things simpler for everyone.

I'm also going through all the other screens and changing the GUI layout, so that there are not loads of gaps were the unused items/features used to be.

However this process will take many hours, and I'm unlikely to complete it before next week.

We've been put back into fairly strict lockdown here in Melbourne, starting today, and lasting at least 6 weeks.
If anyone wants to look at the data, its on the ABC Australia website
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-17/ ... 60704?nw=0

See the chart for VIC which is about 10% down the page, and note the constant exponential increases in cases in the last 4 weeks.
95% of the state of Victoria's population is in metropolitan Melbourne, hence they now locked down about 5 million people.

But I think they had no other option.

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