Key mapping

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Key mapping

Post by VK3KYY » Wed Oct 19, 2022 10:48 am

I'm currently trying to change the key mapping on the Channel screen so that:

The Up key increaeses power or squelch threshold
The Down key decreases power or squelch threshold

Scan starts by holding the Up Key
Scan direction reverses by pressing the Down Key

The problems arise because the GD77 uses the Right key to mark a channel to be ignored and skipped over as part of the current scan.
The UV380 does not have a Right key, and as Up and Down are already used by the scan function.
The only option would be to use SK1 + Up or Down, or possibly to use another key like * (STAR) or # (HASH)
My personal preference is probably to use * (STAR)

But * and # already have other functions when not scanning

Also when scanning, if the scan holds on a signal and the operator wants to simply restart the scan, this is not currently possibly, because on the GD77 the operator could press the Up key to move to the next channel, and on the UV380 the rotary control is used for this purpose, and moving the rotary control terminates the scan and is also not idea for forcing the scan to continue.

Possibly short press of Up during a scan should move to the next channel and continue with the scan.

Or does anyone else have any ideas about how this can be programmed ?

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Re: Key mapping

Post by HB3XPL » Wed Oct 19, 2022 1:01 pm

The problems arise because the GD77 uses the Right key to mark a channel to be ignored and skipped over as part of the current scan.
The UV380 does not have a Right key, and as Up and Down are already used by the scan function.
The only option would be to use SK1 + Up or Down, or possibly to use another key like * (STAR) or # (HASH)
My personal preference is probably to use * (STAR)
I think SK1+# should be fine, this function realy misses alot, please do somenthing.

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