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Building on Linux

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:53 am
Hello everybody,
me and a group of fellow OpenGD77 lovers (IU2KWO, IU2NRO)
had the idea to try to build OpenGD77 on Linux using just using standard building tools (make, gcc).
This would help in the following cases:
- Automated build-servers
- Porting the code to other platforms (for STM32 based radios)
- Compiling the firmware without the closed-source NXP redlib
- Software development on Linux using different IDEs or even none
We succeeded to make it build however we had to change the flash memory map to accomodate for larger code produced by newlib-nano.
And now the radio is not able to recognize the calibration data.

You can try to compile the code yourself, you just need a standard GNU ARM toolchain (make, arm-none-eabi-gcc, ...),
the code can be downloaded from here.
The steps to build are:
- unzip
- cd OpenGD77/firmware/build
- make -f ../Makefile -j5
If everything goes well your compiled firmware will be located in ./bin/firmware.bin

Feedback and help for testing and fixing the calibration bug is needed.

73 de Niccolò IU2KIN