Localisation support (foreign languages)

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Re: Localistion support (foreign languages)

Post by m1dyp » Thu Nov 28, 2019 11:01 pm

looks great

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Re: Localistion support (foreign languages)

Post by CT4TX » Fri Nov 29, 2019 3:53 pm

• Portuguese Updated Version •

Code: Select all

.LANGUAGE_NAME 		= "Portugues",
.language			= "Lingua",
.menu				= "Menu",
.credits			= "Creditos",
.zone				= "Zona",
.rssi				= "RSSI",
.battery			= "Bateria",
.contacts			= "Contactos",
.firmware_info		= "Versao Firmware",
.last_heard			= "Ultimo ouvido",
.options			= "Opcoes",
.display_options	= "Opcoes Visor",
.channel_details	= "Detalhes Canal",
.new_contact		= "Contacto Novo",
.contact_list		= "Lista Contactos",
.hotspot_mode		= "Modo Hotspot",
.contact_details	= "Detalhes Contato",
.batteryVoltage		= "%d.%dV",
.built				= "Compilado",
.built				= "Compilado",
.zones				= "Zonas",
.keypad_locked		= "TeclasBloqueadas",
.press_blue_plus_star="Prima Azul + *",
.to_unlock			= "Para Desbloquear",
.unlocked			= "Desbloqueado",
.power_off			= "Desligar...",
.error				= "ERRO",
.rx_only			= "Apenas Rx",
.out_of_band		= "FORA DA BANDA",
.timeout			= "TEMPO ESGOTADO",
.tg_entry			= "Entrar TG",
.pc_entry			= "Entrar PC",
.user_dmr_id		= "DMRID Utilizador",
.contact 			= "Contacto",
.displayRxFreq		= "%d.%05d MHz",
.accept_call		= "Aceitar Chamada?",
.private_call		= "Chamada Privada",
.squelch			= "Squelch",
.vfoRxFreq			= "%cR %d.%05d MHz",
.vfoTxFreq			= "%cT %d.%05d MHz",
.vfoEnterFreq		= "%c%c%c.%c%c%c%c%c MHz",
.quick_menu 		= "Menu Rapido",
.filter				= "Filtro:%s",
.all_channels		= "Todos os Canais",
.gotoChannel		= "Ir Canal %d",
.scan				= "Busca",
.channelToVfo		= "Canal --> VFO",
.vfoToChannel		= "VFO --> Canal",
.group				= "Grupo",
.private			= "Privado",
.all				= "Todos",
.type				= "Tipo:",
.timeSlot			= "TimeSlot",
.none				= "Nenhum",
.contact_saved		= "Contacto Gravado",
.duplicate			= "Duplicado",
.tg					= "TG",
.pc					= "PC",
.ts					= "TS",
.mode				= "Mode",
.colour_code		= "Codigo de cores",
.n_a				= "N/A",
.channelDetailsRx	= "Rx:%d.%05dMHz",
.channelDetailsTx	= "Tx:%d.%05dMHz",
.bandwidth			= "LarguraBanda",
.stepFreq			= "Passo:%d.%02dkHz",
.tot				= "TOT",
.off				= "Off",
.skip				= "Ignorar",
.yes				= "Sim",
.no					= "Nao",
.rx_group			= "Rx Grp",
.on					= "Ligado",
.timeout_beep		= "Beep timeout",
.factory_reset		= "Reset Fabrica",
.calibration		= "Calibracao",
.band_limits		= "Limites banda",
.beep_volume		= "Volume Beep",
.dmr_mic_gain		= "Ganho Micro DMR",
.key_long			= "Key long:%1d.%1ds",
.key_repeat			= "Key rpt:%1d.%1ds",
.dmr_filter_timeout	= "Filtro DMR",

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Re: Localistion support (foreign languages)

Post by DG3GSP » Fri Nov 29, 2019 4:08 pm

Updated german version

With accented characters:

Code: Select all

.LANGUAGE_NAME 		= "Deutsch",
.language			= "Sprache",
.menu				= "Menü",
.credits			= "Mitwirkende",
.zone				= "Zone",
.rssi				= "Feldstärke",
.battery			= "Batterie",
.contacts			= "Kontakte",
.firmware_info		= "Firmware Info",
.last_heard			= "Zuletzt gehört",
.options			= "Einstellungen",
.display_options	= "Display Optionen",
.channel_details	= "Kanal Details",
.new_contact		= "Neuer Kontakt",
.contact_list		= "Kontaktliste",
.hotspot_mode		= "Hotspot-Modus",
.contact_details	= "Kontakt Details",
.batteryVoltage		= "%d.%dV",
.built				= "Erstellt",
.built				= "Erstellt",
.zones				= "Zonen",
.keypad_locked		= "Tasten gesperrt",
.press_blue_plus_star	= "Blaue Taste +*",
.to_unlock			= "zum entsperren",
.unlocked			= "Entsperrt",
.power_off			= "Schalte aus...",
.error				= "FEHLER",
.rx_only			= "Nur Rx",
.out_of_band		= "AUSSER BAND",
.timeout			= "Zeit abgelaufen",
.tg_entry			= "TG Eingabe",
.pc_entry			= "PC Eingabe",
.user_dmr_id		= "Benutzer ID",
.contact 			= "Kontakt",
.displayRxFreq		= "%d.%05d MHz",
.accept_call		= "Ruf annehmen?",
.private_call		= "Privater Ruf",
.squelch			= "Rauschsperre",
.vfoRxFreq			= "%cR %d.%05d MHz",
.vfoTxFreq			= "%cT %d.%05d MHz",
.vfoEnterFreq		= "%c%c%c.%c%c%c%c%c MHz",
.quick_menu 		= "Schnellfunktion",
.filter				= "Filter:%s",
.all_channels		= "Alle Kanäle",
.gotoChannel		= "Gehe zu %d",
.scan				= "Suchlauf",
.channelToVfo		= "Kanal --> VFO",
.vfoToChannel		= "VFO --> Kanal",
.group				= "Gruppe",
.private			= "Privat",
.all				= "Alle",
.type				= "Type:",
.timeSlot			= "Zeitschlitz",
.none				= "kein",
.contact_saved		= "Kontakt gesp.",
.duplicate			=  "Duplikat",
.tg					= "TG",
.pc					= "PC",
.ts					= "TS",
.mode				= "Modus",
.colour_code		= "Color Code",
.n_a				= "N/A",
.channelDetailsRx	= "Rx:%d.%05dMHz",
.channelDetailsTx	= "Tx:%d.%05dMHz",
.bandwidth			= "Bandbreite",
.stepFreq			= "Schritt:%d.%02dkHz",
.tot				= "TOT",
.off				= "Aus",
.skip				= "Überspringe",
.yes				= "Ja",
.no					= "Nein",
.rx_group			= "Rx Gruppe",
.on					= "Ein",
.timeout_beep		= "Timeout-Ton",
.factory_reset		= "Werks-Reset",
.calibration		= "Kalibration",
.band_limits		= "Band Limit",
.beep_volume		= "Beep Lauts.",
.dmr_mic_gain		= "DMR Mikro",
.key_long			= "Key lang:%1d.%1ds",
.key_repeat			= "Key wied.:%1d.%1ds",
.dmr_filter_timeout	= "DMR Filter",
.brightness			= "Helligkeit",
.contrast			= "Kontrast",
.colour_invert		= "Anzeige:Invers",
.colour_normal		= "Anzeige:Normal",
.backlight_timeout = "Timeout",

Without accented characters:

Code: Select all

.LANGUAGE_NAME 		= "Deutsch",
.language			= "Sprache",
.menu				= "Menue",
.credits			= "Mitwirkende",
.zone				= "Zone",
.rssi				= "Feldstaerke",
.battery			= "Batterie",
.contacts			= "Kontakte",
.firmware_info		= "Firmware Info",
.last_heard			= "Zuletzt gehoert",
.options			= "Einstellungen",
.display_options	= "Display Optionen",
.channel_details	= "Kanal Details",
.new_contact		= "Neuer Kontakt",
.contact_list		= "Kontaktliste",
.hotspot_mode		= "Hotspot-Modus",
.contact_details	= "Kontakt Details",
.batteryVoltage		= "%d.%dV",
.built				= "Erstellt",
.built				= "Erstellt",
.zones				= "Zonen",
.keypad_locked		= "Tasten gesperrt",
.press_blue_plus_star	= "Blaue Taste +*",
.to_unlock			= "zum entsperren",
.unlocked			= "Entsperrt",
.power_off			= "Schalte aus...",
.error				= "FEHLER",
.rx_only			= "Nur Rx",
.out_of_band		= "AUSSER BAND",
.timeout			= "Zeit abgelaufen",
.tg_entry			= "TG Eingabe",
.pc_entry			= "PC Eingabe",
.user_dmr_id		= "Benutzer ID",
.contact 			= "Kontakt",
.displayRxFreq		= "%d.%05d MHz",
.accept_call		= "Ruf annehmen?",
.private_call		= "Privater Ruf",
.squelch			= "Rauschsperre",
.vfoRxFreq			= "%cR %d.%05d MHz",
.vfoTxFreq			= "%cT %d.%05d MHz",
.vfoEnterFreq		= "%c%c%c.%c%c%c%c%c MHz",
.quick_menu 		= "Schnellfunktion",
.filter				= "Filter:%s",
.all_channels		= "Alle Kanaele",
.gotoChannel		= "Gehe zu %d",
.scan				= "Suchlauf",
.channelToVfo		= "Kanal --> VFO",
.vfoToChannel		= "VFO --> Kanal",
.group				= "Gruppe",
.private			= "Privat",
.all				= "Alle",
.type				= "Type:",
.timeSlot			= "Zeitschlitz",
.none				= "kein",
.contact_saved		= "Kontakt gesp.",
.duplicate			=  "Duplikat",
.tg					= "TG",
.pc					= "PC",
.ts					= "TS",
.mode				= "Modus",
.colour_code		= "Color Code",
.n_a				= "N/A",
.channelDetailsRx	= "Rx:%d.%05dMHz",
.channelDetailsTx	= "Tx:%d.%05dMHz",
.bandwidth			= "Bandbreite",
.stepFreq			= "Schritt:%d.%02dkHz",
.tot				= "TOT",
.off				= "Aus",
.skip				= "Skip",
.yes				= "Ja",
.no					= "Nein",
.rx_group			= "Rx Gruppe",
.on					= "Ein",
.timeout_beep		= "Timeout-Ton",
.factory_reset		= "Werks-Reset",
.calibration		= "Kalibration",
.band_limits		= "Band Limit",
.beep_volume		= "Beep Lauts.",
.dmr_mic_gain		= "DMR Mikro",
.key_long			= "Key lang:%1d.%1ds",
.key_repeat			= "Key wied.:%1d.%1ds",
.dmr_filter_timeout	= "DMR Filter",
.brightness			= "Helligkeit",
.contrast			= "Kontrast",
.colour_invert		= "Anzeige:Invers",
.colour_normal		= "Anzeige:Normal",
.backlight_timeout = "Timeout",

Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Nov 26, 2019 4:18 pm

Re: Localistion support (foreign languages)

Post by EA3IGM » Fri Nov 29, 2019 6:51 pm

Pushed changes to code
Cool to see updates on both languages

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Re: Localistion support (foreign languages)

Post by VK3KYY » Fri Nov 29, 2019 7:43 pm


We now have accented characters in the font, however the font is for extended ASCII and not double byte characters

In the previous texts which people posted, which had accented characters they seemed to be double byte.

At the moment we don’t have a simple way to process text that contains double byte characters into the extended ACSII equivalent

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Re: Localistion support (foreign languages)

Post by EA3IGM » Fri Nov 29, 2019 7:48 pm

What if we use this table
and put the hex in there or.. say use a #MACRO to change a specific character to the extended ascii equivalent inside the string...?

No idea

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Re: Localistion support (foreign languages)

Post by VK3KYY » Fri Nov 29, 2019 7:57 pm

The codes are listed in the font definition

https://github.com/rogerclarkmelbourne/ ... #L359-L582

Most decent text editors should allow specific codes to be entered

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Re: Localistion support (foreign languages)

Post by EA3IGM » Fri Nov 29, 2019 8:01 pm

So... the idea to use them would be to

Code: Select all

.section = "Actualizaci\243n"
(where "\243" = ó) ?

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Re: Localistion support (foreign languages)

Post by VK3KYY » Fri Nov 29, 2019 8:05 pm

I guess so.

Alternatively your editor may allow extended ASCII to be entered

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Re: Localistion support (foreign languages)

Post by EA3IGM » Fri Nov 29, 2019 8:07 pm

Hm... I'm going to make a new clone of the current repo and mess around with my dev environment.
Thanks again

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