Yet another CPS for Linux and MacOS X

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Re: Yet another CPS for Linux and MacOS X

Post by DM3MAT » Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:29 pm

I am currently implementing the DMR ID table (called user or call-sign DB in my application) as this fits nicely into my concept. If the DMR ID table format may differ between different variants of OpenGD77, how can I detect the variant?

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Re: Yet another CPS for Linux and MacOS X

Post by VK3KYY » Wed Jan 20, 2021 12:47 am

DM3MAT wrote:
Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:29 pm
I am currently implementing the DMR ID table (called user or call-sign DB in my application) as this fits nicely into my concept. If the DMR ID table format may differ between different variants of OpenGD77, how can I detect the variant?
There is no difference in the formats at the moment, and there are no plans to change the data format.
Currently there is no way to detect what radio type is connected, because at the moment it doesn't matter what radio type is connected.

The only think which may change in the future is the firmware having a separate write command for the DMR ID data region, and also perhaps support for compressed data in the text of each record.

However, because the firmware supports Talker Alias, which transmits the callsign and other text as part of the transmission , its only operators using the DMR MARC networks which need to use the DMR ID database system, so its not high priority for me to attempt to increase the number of records that can be stored, either by using compression or by using different memory in the DM-1801

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Re: Yet another CPS for Linux and MacOS X

Post by DM3MAT » Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:28 pm

Maybe it might be helpful to have some means to determine the firmware version and variant. I.e., some special command for the serial interface. Although not needed yet, it would be great to handle future changes to the code-plug format or differences between these variants.

Btw: I just released the version 0.5.2 supporting the call-sign database for the OpenGD77 firmware. As I want to keep the UI as simple as possible, there is no way to curate the list of DMR IDs being uploaded. The list of all DMR IDs gets downloaded in the background and updated regularly. When you click on the "Upload call-sign DB to radio." button, the DMR IDs "closest" to yours get selected for upload. With "closest" I mean the IDs with the longest matching prefix. E.g., the ID 1234560 is closer to 1234567 than 1234570 although the latter two are closer numerically.

I noticed that the OpenGD77CPS allows to filter only those IDs that where active more or less recently. This is a pretty useful constraint that I'll certainly add in the near future.

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Re: Yet another CPS for Linux and MacOS X

Post by VK3KYY » Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:10 pm

There firmware cones not have a version number, it only has the last got commit code from my local repo and the build date.

I don't include the release code in the firmware because the firmware goes to multiple beta testers , for many days before I know its stable enough even to be a Beta release.

So its not possible to know in advance what the release date will be.

I agree however that the firmware should be able to report the build date and git code to the CPS.

This has been on my To Do list for months, but there are higher priority things in the firmware which I need to do, so I don't know when I will get around to it, and currently, none of the developers seem to have any free time e.g because of work or personal commitments

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Re: Yet another CPS for Linux and MacOS X

Post by DM3MAT » Sat Jan 23, 2021 9:46 am

There is certainly no hurry to implement this. Unfortunately I am not that experienced with FreeRTOS to help you with this.

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